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Brazil Day 3 - Game Day, part 1 probably

So day 3 begins and England take on Italy. Late last night my room-mate Ben Queenborough arrived from Sao Paulo where he'd been shooting the opening ceremony. He's sharing a room with me a couple of times on this trip which makes sense from an economic standpoint (sharing taxis as well).My Manaus hotelI had a bit of a wander around the hotel this morning before it became too hot. The traffic isn't too bad, but the driving standards are not up to the standards I see from my good motorcycling friends back in the UK. Somehow it seems to work though, and aside from the first night's corpse I haven't seen any accidents.Cleaning the street, protected securely by a single cone placed 1 meter in front of the approaching trafficI was completely knackered after a long day yesterday, and had a couple of lovely cold beers in the hotel restaurant followed by a pizza which just hit the spot. Cracking.Breakfast was a curious affair this morning as seems to be the way of it here. It's a buffet in the hotel and the sweet and savoury stuff is all intermingled - no "category management" at all. And seeing as I have no idea what any of it is, I had a plate of fried eggs, exceptionally sweet rice pudding, cheese dough balls and melon. Very curious.Ben and I headed off up to the stadium to get in and sorted nice and early. The approach road was shut off, but that gave us an excellent opportunity to wander about and get some interesting pictures. The roads just next to the stadium are a bit of a photographic goldmine as you can see from the shot at the top of this post. I was much more comfortable being with someone else, but in reality the people here are so friendly it was fine anyway. Ben commented on how much better it was than Sao Paulo.Here are a few pictures which I hope convey what the place is like. OK - that's it for now. Stuff to do, places to be...